Green Consulting and Certifications
Green Consulting and Certifications
Enterprise Green Communities
Enterprise Green Communities (EGC) is the only national green building program created with and for the affordable housing sector. Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, and many other jurisdictions have incorporated EGC into their qualified allocation plan (QAP), low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC) program, and/or code requirements. Energesco provides full EGC facilitation and certification support from pre-design to post-occupancy. We are subject matter experts in working with the development and design team to understand the program requirements, create all necessary documentation, and successfully obtain the Enterprise Green Communities certification.
Green Consulting and Certifications
ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated the ENERGY STAR program to combine the ENERGY STAR Certified Homes and ENERGY STAR Multifamily High-Rise programs into a single standard. This allows for a more streamlined set of standards that allow any type of multifamily building to be certified under the same program. Energesco has worked with the ENERGY STAR program since Version 1.0 in 2003. Our specialists support the design team as they integrate program requirements into the construction documents and provide the required inspections and testing throughout construction. Additionally, our team provides training and monitoring support to ensure compliance with program requirements.